He would have loved Dv8 Kitchen. He loved great food. He would have applauded Dv8’s mission. He would have been a regular. He was my dad. Houston, better known as Hoot, passed away a year ago this month. My dad […]
“…Every one of us is called upon, perhaps many times, to start a new life. A frightening diagnosis, a marriage, a move, loss of a job…And onward full-tilt we go, pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, driven in spite of […]
Dv8 Kitchen officially OPENED on August 28th! We are open to serving others through meaningful relationships. We are open to growing faith. We are open to fellowship. We are open to encouragement. We are open to unlimited possibilities of building […]
Sometimes in life you come across the most beautiful and compassionate souls. They LOVE beyond themselves in such a raw way. Diane and Rob, the visionaries behind Dv8 Kitchen, are such souls. It is a joy to watch their dreams […]
Life is good, but sometimes messy. God knows how messy my life has been. Along with my wife Diane, we hope to take the mess of our past, the all professional experience we have been blessed with and our appreciation […]