Sometimes in life you come across the most beautiful and compassionate souls. They LOVE beyond themselves in such a raw way. Diane and Rob, the visionaries behind Dv8 Kitchen, are such souls. It is a joy to watch their dreams become reality.
This month of August is a busy one at Dv8 Kitchen! Lots of baking, cooking, taste testing, training, scheduling, educating, learning, encouraging, and LOVING going on. All at Dv8 are excited and hopeful about the possibilities and adventures ahead!
Mark your calendars Monday, August 28th, for our Grand Opening. We cannot wait for you to experience the life changing food at Dv8 Kitchen! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for further updates and information!
Thank you to the Central Kentucky community for your outpouring of LOVE and support.
Thank you to the Perez family for your courage and works of LOVE.
L O V E breeds hope.