“The journey ends when you see a green kayak attached to a tree on the right hand side of the creek,” I told them. “Paddle towards that tree and the staff from Canoe Kentucky will help you out of the creek with your kayak.”
On July 29, the Dv8 crew went kayaking. We had planned the trip for about a month and were pleased that on that day the weather and water levels were perfect for a trip down the Elkhorn. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the creek’s current was flowing smoothly. This allowed for an optimal kayak trip in my opinion with less paddling and more floating.
Some of us had paddled before while others were novice. The great folks from Canoe Kentucky were our guides and provided a sense of security and safety.
My father, Hoot, introduced David and me to kayaking when our sons were very young. At that time we focused on the boys’ safety. However, as they grew older and became strong swimmers, we were able to enjoy nature’s glory. We find that a trip down the creek clears our heads and nurtures our souls. On weekend visits with Hoot growing up (my parents divorced when I was young) we spent most of our time outside. From camping, swimming and fishing to sitting around campfires, these outdoor experiences were a part of life. For me nature nurtures. It is that simple.
David, the boys and I have since spent countless hours on Elkhorn Creek and are always eager to share our love (and Hoot’s passion) for God’s landscape. That particular Sunday with the Dv8 crew was one of the best trips our family has ever taken down the creek. The group from Dv8 took to paddling like ducks to water. We laughed, shared stories, swam, reflected silently, told jokes and splashed each other. Additionally, we long ago decided it is not a good kayak trip until someone flips their boat and yep, there were a few of those too. Calvin, our local snake expert, went on a snake finding expedition and to my dismay was successful! At one point, we all got out of our kayaks to swim. We visited with each other on the banks and dunked one another in the water. It was a joy filled day.
On this day not only was I nurtured by nature but I was nurtured by forging meaningful and lasting relationships amongst the best backdrop ever. Thank you to those that joined us that day. Thank you for trusting us to step outside your comfort zones and being open to new adventures. Thank you for sharing your joy with all that were part of this trip.
We spotted the green kayak in the tree and for most of our trips it is a sigh of relief for many that the end is in sight. However, on this day, my heart about burst when several turned their kayaks around to face me and said they were ignoring the kayak in the tree. They didn’t want the trip to end.
Nature nurtures.